Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Reasoning is the process deduktive

Reasoning is the process of thinking that departed from the observation senses ( empirical observation ) that generates a number of concepts and understanding . Based on similar observations will also be formed proposition - a proposition similar , based on a number of propositions that are known or assumed to be true , people infer a new proposition that was previously unknown. This process is called reasoning .
According Jujun Suriasumantri , reasoning is a process of thinking in drawing a conclusion in the form of knowledge . As an activity of thinking reasoning has certain characteristics . The first feature is a logical thought process , which is defined as the logical thinking activities according to a specific pattern , or in other words according to a certain logic . The second characteristic is the nature of the analytical thinking process . The analytic properties is a consequence of the existence of a certain pattern of thinking .
Reasoning is divided into two , namely deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning . Deductive reasoning developed by Aristotle , Thales , Pythagoras , and other Greek philosophers of the Classical Period ( 600-300 BC . ) . Aristotle , for example , tells how Thales uses his skills to deduce that the olive harvest in the next season will be very abundant . So he bought all the olive mill and earn huge profits when the olive harvest is abundant it is really happening


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